Greetings Love Advocates!

Are you ready for Spring? It’s been a long, dark and cold winter in NYC and I am ready for warmer weather and more Light! Last week I saw the first crokus appear; it made me so happy. This morning I actually smelled hyacinth.IMG_1976 (1)download

You’ve been indoors too long and you need a refreshing break from stressful conditions.  No matter how busy you are, there’s always time to pause for fresh air.  This message comes to you today with a strong suggestion for you to spend time alone, outdoors.  The healing effects of nature will revive your energy and outlook, and you’ll return to home or work with new ideas and a fresh perspective.  Think of your nature retreat as an investment that will yield huge dividends.

Additional meanings:

  • Your desires or decision to take a vacation are valid.
  • You have a life purpose involving environmentalism or nature.
  • Work with pure flower essences, crystals, plant spirit medicine, or other natural healing methods.
  • Commune with animals, trees, fairies, and other spirits of nature.

Carvings and paintings of Green Man’s face peering through leaves adorn ancient churches throughout western Europe and India.  He’s long regarded as the face of nature and a fertility deity who helps crops to grow.  You can call upon Green Man for help with your own garden, or to increase your connection to the spirit of nature.

I am following a calling myself and am off to the UK for a bit. I do a lot of Light work in NYC. I have tried to leave several times, but I know that my Light is still needed here, so I remain. Do you ever feel like you need to make a change and can’t? It’s ok, the timing is probably not right yet.

That doesn’t mean you can’t venture out every now and again. For the next several days I will be spreading my love and Light from Edinburgh to London. Stonehenge seems like a great place to recharge. download (2)

I will share photos with you along the way.  Please venture outside yourself, even if it’s just to breathe in the fresh spring air or notice a robin. c4466b95-1974-461e-859b-73d5e413fe3d-24696-00001063c2b1eddc-1

With much love and many blessings,

LP 💜

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P.S. If you enjoy these messages please follow me! 💜

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